Discover your Strengths Now!
Brian Photo You will love what you discover about yourself.

1. Visit The Gallup Strengths Center, scroll to "Top 5 CliftonStrengths access, and click "Learn More".

2. Select "TOP 5 STRENGTHS ACCESS" by entering Qty 1 on the $15.00 choice, scroll down page, and click "Purchase".

3. Verify your purchase summary is "Strengths Discovery (Top 5 Strengths)" for a total price of $15.00 (taxes are extra) and click "Proceed to Checkout"

4. If you are an existing user, log in now and follow the prompts.

5. If you are a new user (as is likely), click "Register now" and continue the following steps.

6. Complete the form by entering information required. I recommend following the suggestion to make your user id the same as your email address. Then click "Submit".

7. Enter your billing information and click "Continue".

8. Your purchase summary is repeated. Verify again (as in step 3) and click "Purchase".

9. Enter Credit Card Information and click "Submit".

10. Await an email with the subject "Gallut Strengths Center Purchase". This will give instructions to navigate to the Strengthscenter page and the access code to take the Strengthsfinder instrument.

11. Pick a good time to take the Strengthsfinder, when you are relaxed and can ignore the phone, doorbell, computer, and any other interrupts for about 30 minutes.

I guarantee you will love this discovery. I hope you share your results with me!